Posts Tagged ‘rap’

Macklemore for President* First and foremost, any guy with enough confidence to go into a barber shop and request that haircut obviously doesn’t give a flying f**k about what you think. And I respect that.

Macklemore Hair

* He’s not afraid to take a stand on controversial issues and stick to it. (Just read this email.)


* He shops at thrift stores, so I’m sure he’s economical.

Thrift Shop

* Who else can pull off wearing a tie-dye tank top and a fur coat in the summer time? No one, that’s who. He doesn’t follow trends, which is what we need in a leader.


* He has a sense of humor, yet he can get insanely serious when it’s time to. (Listen to his song “Otherside.”)

* He obviously has a loyal following. I mean, look…the guy got a nipple tat.

macklemore nipple tattoo

*Because this happened…

Woman Arrested For Assault

* And finally, because Ryan Lewis would be a bomb-ass V.P.

Ryan Lewis


Hip-hop, a genre of music which began in the late 70’s in New York City, has now become one of the biggest forms of music in the world today. With messages of inner-city life and the struggles thereof, hip-hop quickly caught the attention of the mainstream and put a spotlight on how the impoverished of our society lives.

With the ever-growing popularity of hip-hop music, there has been a major influx of people wanting to get in on the action. But, one of the major problems with everyone wanting to be a rapper now is the fact that the majority of people don’t actually have the skill-set to be one.

You can’t throw a stone into a crowded room and NOT hit someone who claims they want to be (or will become) a famous rapper one day. Gone are the days of people aspiring to be doctors or lawyers–you know, people who actually make a difference in society. Everyone is planning to over-saturate the market with something we really don’t need more of.

I can’t log on to Facebook now-a-days without seeing people posting their crappy music up and down the news-feed in a desperate plea that SOMEONE, SOMEWHERE will hear it and give them a record deal…despite the fact it sounds horrible. And YouTube? Forget about it. It has turned into a haven of music and music videos that will never get the desired attention strived for by its creator(s). It seems like everyone with a microphone and free time thinks that they are a shoe-in at next year’s Grammy Awards. (It is not so.)

Personally, I think it’s an absolute waste of time. Not meaning to sound rude, but literally NO ONE I’ve heard has a chance of becoming famous via the “rap route.” But the desperation to become famous without actually working has become so ingrained in society today, that people’s own lack of talent doesn’t seem to phase them. It’s good to have a dream, unless your dream is stupid. Then it may just be time for you to wake up. This is seriously one epidemic that needs to stop–like yesterday. Sadly, to me, it just seems like this whole generation is a lost cause.

But on the bright side, I just saved 15% on my car insurance by switching to Geico. (Plug, plug.)